Old Stone Mill, Delta, Ontario
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This is the local bedrock, marble and skarn that dips at about 80 degrees.  Other than larger chunks of unfractured marble, it unsuitable as a building stone.  But it does work well as a solid foundation for the heavy stone mill.  Most of the stones that make up the walls of the mill are Potsdam sandstone.\n\nThe rocks in the photo are pre-cambrian (very old), part of the the Frontenac Axis.  These old rocks are generally hard and fractured, not suitable, except for a few pieces of unfractured marble, as a building material.  \n\nThe sandstone used to build most of the mill is from a younger overlying unit, found to the north, east and south of Delta.  The exact location of the quarry (or quarries) is unknown, but would likely have been located within 3 km of the mill.

photo by: Ken W. Watson

This is the local bedrock, marble and skarn that dips at about 80 degrees. Other than larger chunks of unfractured marble, it unsuitable as a building stone. But it does work well as a solid foundation for the heavy stone mill. Most of the stones that make up the walls of the mill are Potsdam sandstone.

The rocks in the photo are pre-cambrian (very old), part of the the Frontenac Axis. These old rocks are generally hard and fractured, not suitable, except for a few pieces of unfractured marble, as a building material.

The sandstone used to build most of the mill is from a younger overlying unit, found to the north, east and south of Delta. The exact location of the quarry (or quarries) is unknown, but would likely have been located within 3 km of the mill.

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